Head Pain

Tension Headaches

The most common type of headache, tension headaches are often caused by stress, muscle tension, or inadequate sleep. Tension headaches are said to feel like a band tightening around your head, creating a dull ache or pressure. Although they may be self diagnosable, it is important to seek professional treatment for tension headaches as there may be a more concerning underlying cause. 


Contrary to popular belief, migraines are not just a severe headache, but a neurological disease varying in severity from person to person. Often accompanied by nausea, light sensitivity, and vomiting, migraines can be triggered by anything from inadequate sleep, stress, hormonal imbalances, or even hunger. Working with the team at Vert Chiropractic can help you get to the root of your migraine triggers and help you get back to an active, pain free life.


Have you ever had a pesky ringing or buzzing in your ear? You may have been experiencing tinnitus. Tinnitus is identified by a loud and consistent noise that may be caused by exposure to loud noises, whiplash, head trauma, or side effects from medication. If you are experiencing tinnitus, it is important to seek treatment with the professionals at Vert to help understand the root of the issue and put together a treatment plan that works for you.

Vertigo and Dizziness

Dizziness that feels as though the world around you is spinning is referred to as vertigo. One of the most common health complaints from adults, vertigo can be caused by many different underlying issues such as dehydration, side effects from medication, and inner ear issues. Vertigo is often accompanied by feelings of nausea, headaches, and problems balancing.