A Deeper Dive Into Massage Therapies

At Vert Chiropractic, Dr. Craig Hewitt believes in a non-invasive, holistic approach to chiropractic treatment and prefers to use alternatives to pain medicines whenever possible. One of the main ways he achieves this level of care is through various massage therapies. Let’s take a deeper dive into the different massage therapies Vert Chiropractic offers and the many benefits to each.

Vibration Massage Therapy 
Vibration massage therapy is an excellent way to promote muscle relaxation and help recently corrected misalignments to settle better. You may benefit from vibration massage therapy if you are experiencing tight or torn muscles, swelling and edema, or you are needing myofascial release in scar tissue within the muscles. 

Lymphatic Massage Therapy 
Lymphatic massage therapy is a type of vibration massage that specifically targets lymph nodes and major lymph tissue throughout the body. The vibration allows the lymph tissue to work more fluidly and decreases the edema throughout the arms, legs, and core. Lymphatic massage therapy is perfect for anyone experiencing any swollen body parts and also is beneficial for pregnant women. 

Myofascial Release 
Myofascial release massages tight muscles by applying a small amount of pressure while performing a range of motion techniques. This allows for a deeper stretch, leading to an increased range of motion to the targeted area. Myofascial release is most commonly used in the shoulders, hips, legs and extremities, but can also be used throughout the rest of the body if needed.

Similar to gua sha, the Graston technique is used to break up scar tissue and muscle adhesions throughout the body. The tool massages over the targeted area until the adhesion is released into the body and flushed away. Once cleared, the muscle is able to relax and return to normal function.

Taking advantage of our various massage therapy services is an excellent way to stay one step ahead of your injuries rather than letting them control you. If you’d like to learn more about Vert Chiropractic or our massage services, give us a call today!


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